The Benefits of Hiking in Nature: Cheers to a Happier and Healthier You

How about taking things to a whole new level by working out and at the same time being one with nature?

If you’ve never done hiking, or walking amongst the trees you’re missing a lot. Hiking has been proven to be both an effective fitness journey and a fun hobby. Not only will it keep your body fit, it will also work out your brain.

Taking your partner out for hiking is a great way to bond together over nature and also have fun together. Research shows that hiking with a buddy while seeing green is more motivating than just working out in the gym or at home. Because we know how tiring it could be to work out, having a good motivation could be the key for you to finally stick to your routine.

The Benefits Of Hiking In Nature

What can you get from hiking in nature?

  • A fun and interesting walkathon. Our common excuse when we don’t find time to exercise is that we walk every day. But how close to working out is the walking that you do? Hiking in trails will make you seriously fit, especially when you head for the hills. The trees, meadows, and the beauty of nature would be an extra dose of fun, as they seem to be cheering you on while you take the trail to lose weight and burn calories.
  • Hiking is proven to lower blood pressure. When you regularly hike, your blood pressure can decrease by 4-10 points. You can also reduce your risk of diabetes and stroke. What’s even better is when you have a trail buddy whom you talk to as you do your cardio with nature. You just keep going, enjoy the moment, and keep yourself fit.
  • Hiking in nature gets your creative juices flowing. Have you ever head painting your room green can relax you? Why not go for the most real greenest of greens—nature! Research shows that spending time outdoors gives you a boost in creativity, problem-solving, and even analysis. The next time you had a stressful day at work or the next time a big project is coming up, consider walking a short trail with your significant other. It’s guaranteed to work wonders.
The Benefits Of Hiking In Nature

The thing about working out is that people know how good it is for the body, but we don’t always act on it. You may create excuses why not to regularly exercise, and all of those reasons are valid. However, your health should never be last in your priorities.

If you lack the motivation, grab a friends hand or the dog's leash and take them to where you can both motivate yourselves better with exercise. Just start today! We at Stanford Chiropractic firmly believe in connecting to nature while exercising.

I regularly run in the morning and share the beauty of the world around me with you all on Facebook Live! I hope you enjoy.

I also am excited to share our raffle this month for Going Green!. You can enter our raffle, to win a Breville Juicerby following the rules on our Facebook page. Good luck and we look forward to your being part of your health journey.

Dr. Carr.

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