Dr. Carr Introduces Hamstring and Glute Exercise for a Full Range of Motion

Hi, Dr. Carr at Stanford Chiropractic Center again. We're going to do another exercise this time, more for the hamstrings and the glute. Again, no weight. It's gonna be really simple..

So, feet up on the table. You can do it on the ball you have in the gym, a chair or anything. It's real simple. What I want you to do is lay down, keep your back flat here, and we are going to use our legs. To start with you can do it with both legs like this, it's good for the hamstrings and the glute.

As you go, you can go more advanced with both hands like this. You can do one at a time like this. What you want to do is anywhere between 10-15 repetitions. Try to get your arch up as much as you can and then down. That will get you in full range of motion. That will be good for the hamstrings and the glutes.

Have a great day. We'll talk to you soon.

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